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FAQs | Fibroblast Skin Tigheting

By January 23, 2019May 2nd, 2022No Comments
before and after
before and after

FAQ’s about Fibroblast Skin Tightening

What is Fibroblast Skin tightening?

Under the supervision of a Doctor, Fibroblast Skin Tightening is a cosmetic treatment that uses plasma, an ionized gas, to tighten skin non-surgically. Plasma Fibroblast Skin Tightening is your alternative to surgical procedures to treat loose skin on the face, neck and body. This is very similar in comparison to an ablative laser in term of delivery of energy, however this device yields far less downtime and a more accurately delivered treatment.

What is a fibroblast?

Fibroblasts are cells in your skin that create collagen.

Why are fibroblasts important?

As we age, we lose fibroblast activity responsible for skin regeneration and collagen production. By Activating the fibroblasts with this procedure, we regenerate skin vitality.

How does Fibroblast Skin Tightening work?

Fibroblast Skin Tightening is a cosmetic skin treatment that utilizes heat energy delivered through a small needle with an electrical arch to create a controlled trauma to the skin, in turn stimulating the bodies regeneration which releases growth factors producing new collagen.
The production of new collagen fibers form tighter skin in the treatment area.

Where can Fibroblast Skin Tightening be done?

Neck bands, sagging skin, wrinkles under eyes, loose skin on the eye lids, belly and arms are all treatable with Fibroblast Skin Tightening.

What happens during treatment?

Consent forms and post care procedures are viewed with your technician.
A topical numbing cream is applied to the area, making the treatment extremely tolerable.
A post treatment serums is applied once the full area is treated thoroughly.

What happens after treatment?

After treatment small crusts form and fall of in 7-10 days.
Skin is tender for about 24hrs.
Cooling gel ice packs may be used post treatment.
Makeup is to be avoided for 24 hrs.
Any exfoliators or alcohol based products should be avoided for 10 days post treatment.
about 7-10 days post treatment the crusts will fall off revealing new pink skin.

What should I do before treatment?

No make-up is worn on the treatment area.
Lash extensions should be removed if treating eye lids or under eyes.
You may take an anti-histamine 60 minutes prior to your appointment to help with swelling and continue to take anti-histamines for 2-3 days following your appointment.
Prescription retinols and glycolic acids should be avoided for 3-5 days prior to treatment.

When will I see results?

Tightening of the treatment area is seen and felt immediately post procedure. The areas full extent of results are visible 6-8 weeks post treatment.

How long do results last?

Results are visible for up to 3 years. At home treatments with medical grade skin care account for 51% of a lasting result.

How many treatments are required?

The number of treatments required will vary according to the area being treated, skin’s laxity, the desired degree of correction and the individual’s response to the treatment. Most clients see results instantly and this continues to improve over the course of the following 6-8 weeks. Further treatments can be carried out to get better results, although it is uncommon to require more than two treatments.

Who cannot have this treatment?

Clients skin should not be inflamed in the area we are treating prior to procedure.
Clients prone to keloid scars are not ideal candidates.
Clients with diabetes, healing disorders or lymphatic draining issues should not undergo treatment.
Clients with a sunburn/sun tan should postpone treatment.
Clients who have a history of Hyperpigmentation are not ideal candidates.
Clients must not display any tanning at the time of the treatment.
Clients must not display Herpes Simplex Virus (Cold sores/Fever blisters). You will need to reschedule your appointment if you are experiencing an outbreak. If you have experienced Herpes Simplex Virus (Cold sores/Fever blisters) in the past you must see your Medical Doctor and obtain a prescription for Valtrex and begin taking it 3 days before treatment and for 4 days following treatment. (This applies for treatments surrounding the lip area only)
Not for clients with pace makers.
Not for clients who are pregnant or breastfeeding.
This treatment is only recommended on light-medium skin tones . Anyone with a darker complexions is at risk for Hyperpigmentation.

How long before I can wash my face?

after a period of 24 hours you will be able to wash your face.

How long before I can wear makeup?

After a period of 24 hours you can wear makeup

Can I have other aesthetic treatments?

No peels, resurfacing, laser treatments, or injectables for 2 weeks.

Can I tan?

after 2 weeks you will be able to tan.

Can I flake off the spots?

No, the skin uses the spots as a shield to help underlying skin heal.