24-48 Hours Post-Op:
Avoid all contact to donor site and newly implanted grafts.
- No washing scalp or full stream water pressure from shower head on newly implanted grafts.
- No alcohol.
- Consult with your physician before resuming any medications, including vitamins and herbal supplements.
- No ibuprofen (Advil/Motrin), aspirin or blood thinners of any kind. Speak with your physician to see if a prescription strength medicine is needed.
- Do NOT remove pressure bandage from back of scalp. Discuss with your physician about the best time to remove the bandages.
- No hats, caps or beanies.
- No activities that cause excessive sweating such as running, weight lifting or intense workouts for the first 14 days.
- Avoid excessive sun exposure to grafts for the first 14 days.
For Sleep:
By following the directions below, you will control swelling in the forehead/brow region:
Frontal Hairline Restoration:
- Sleep in an elevated position for 2 nights following a procedure. It is best to use 3 pillows under your upper body or sleep in a recliner.
Crown Restoration:
- Sleep with a neck pillow or rolled up towel under your neck.
For Minor Bleeding:
In occasional instances, minor bleeding may occur from the transplant site and/or donor area.
- To control bleeding, apply gentle, but firm pressure on the area for 5-10 minutes with a dampened gauze pad. Press only, do NOT rub.
After 48 Hours Post-Op:
The donor site should now be closed up and healing. Your physician may suggest removing the bandage at this time.
- You may gently wash your entire scalp including the sides and back of your head by using CopperK Shampoo Spray or Johnson and Johnson Baby Shampoo, and rinsing it by gently pouring luke warm (NOT hot) water from a cup over your scalp.
- Avoid direct water pressure on newly implanted grafts.
- You may massage the donor site, but do NOT touch the recipient area with your fingers for 7 days post op as this may cause the grafts to dislodge. After 7 days you may begin to wash your hair normally.
- Do NOT use any hair products NOT recommended to you by your physician for the first 14 days.
- As your scalp begins to heal, you will start to see scabbing on the donor and newly implanted graft site.
- A very loose fitting hat/cap that does not come in contact with the grafts may be worn.
- After bandages are removed, apply Bacitracin ointment over the donor area at least 3 times a day for the next 3-4 days to keep it moist.
- In between Bacitracin use, CopperK Scalp Cream should be gently dabbed on the donor site to help heal scabs.
72 Hours Post-Op:
Swelling is a part of the healing process and typically occurs on day 2 or 3 post-op. It usually disappears in 5-7 days.
- Do NOT apply ice directly to graft area.
- For swelling around eyes and forehead, apply ice pack to eyebrow area and below.
- Do NOT use hot compresses.
2 Weeks Post-Op:
After 2 weeks, or once the scabs have fallen off:
- Minor workouts can be added into your daily regimen.
- You may use spray sunscreen or an adjustable fitted hat, if you will be out in the sun for more than 30 minutes.
- Check with your physician before resuming Rogaine 5% foam. (Typically 1 month) Propecia can continue to be used.
Additional Information:
Scabbing or Itching at donor and transplant site:
- Do NOT PICK or SCRATCH at these scabs as this can endanger healing and could cause scarring or infection.
- Scabs will naturally fall off within 2 weeks and may contain small hairs. Do NOT be alarmed as this is normal. The hair bulb remains in the skin.
- CopperK Calming Spray will reduce discomfort, itching and inflammation. This can be used as needed, up to 2 times a day for 2 weeks post op to keep the scabs moist.
- To reduce itching, you may also use a diluted saline solution by pouring the solution into a spray bottle. Spray onto irritated area up to 2 times a day for 2 weeks to keep the scabs moist.
- It is recommended to use the CopperK Calming Spray or a diluted saline solution on the irritated area immediately after the shower.
Hair Coloring:
You must wait 6-8 weeks before you can dye your hair. It is recommended that you color with semi-permanent dye as to not damage your grafts.