What is Vitamin A?
Vitamin A is a fat soluble vitamin that is naturally present in many foods. Vitamin A is important for good vision, a healthy immune system, and cell growth. As it pertains to aesthetics and skincare, it is a key building block for healthy appearing skin. Other important facts include:
Vitamin A is a skin “normalizing” vitamin
Vit. A is depleted through sun exposure
Vit. A needs to be replaced daily to prevent and reduce the appearance of photoaging
What are the benefits of Vitamin A?
improved skin immunity
promotes healthy epidermis
promotes collagen & elastin
improves acne conditions
reduces pigmentation
promotes moisture
Several different types of vitamin A are easily accepted into the skin and convert to retinoic acid- which is the most active form of Vitamin A and can be stored in skin cells and released as needed.
Daily use of Vitamin A replenishes want is depleted through sun exposure, pollutants & chemicals, as well as aging.